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Psychotherapy and Counselling

The World Health Organisation describes Disabilities as a Term that refers to a huge spectrum of impairments, activity limitations and participation restrictions. An activity limitation is something that causes difficulties when undertaking a task or action. Hence, psychotherapy and counseling help people to cope with and better manage their conditions even with severe disabilities. Disability counseling in particular can provide support to people with disabilities as well as their partners, family and care givers. Here in SHIRC, through VSMS,SFB,PBCL, KOHOS BLOCK , we ascertain the degree of disability and treat them psychologically through counseling and therapy. Not only the students and beneficiaries of SHIRC, this centre has opened its wings even for people with addiction, cognitive behavioral disorder, autism, cerebral pulsy , speech deficiency etc. This process shall lead towards inclusion of disability in the society through one to one training programmes and otherwise.